Hats? I wear many different shoes!

Today is the sixth day of May with the Blog Every Day in May challenge.  Feel free to join in and if you catch this anytime through out the month feel free to just jump right in.  

Day 6, Monday: If you couldn’t answer with your job, how would you answer the question, ‘what do you do’?

This question may be as easy to answer as ‘where are you from?’. Which my means my answer will be not simple, nor short.   What ‘I do’ has evolved with each location we move to and can change from month to month.  Already as a wife and a mum of two, I wear a variety of ‘hats’ as they say. However I really think the expression should be ‘I Wear Many Shoes’ because as a female I do have an obsession with shoes.  As I am a photographer, I have decided to be ‘less wordy’ today and just share with you in photos of what ‘I do’.  

In no specific order here is what ‘I do’ and the many shoes I wear:

I currently work from home. I blog and will be starting as an editor at GirlGoneInternational.com 

I am a travel photographer and really enjoy writing about being a TCK, an Expat, and Travel. 
I really enjoy being a portrait photographer for children and families.

I work as professional portrait and wedding photographer with a background in fashion photography.

I am a trained cosmetologist and up until this year worked in salons. 
I also love doing creative work outside the salon with other photographers.

I do makeup for makeovers, brides, models, and photo shoots.  
I am also trained in makeup artistry which is fun for creative looks like this or for flawless look for brides. 

I am an assistant on shoots. Really I just love being creative and being a part of the creative processes.
I model. I’m joking.  I have ‘modeled’ but more for fun and to create some fun projects with other photographers.
These were created by the lovely Jacquie in a conceptual boudoir project as a hairstylist. 

I am a wife and I work daily on our marriage. I  am planning our  vow renewal for August. 
I go on long walks on the weekend in the country side with my family.  We are kinda obsessed with country walks.
I am enthusiast of natural alternatives when it comes to what we eat and beauty regimens. I love Coconut oil. 
I am a traveler and a global nomad.  I feel most at home on an airplane or in an airport headed to a new destination.
I take creative conceptual self portraits. Which means I look really crazy to people passing by but all for the sake of art. 

I cultivate the love of art, history, and culture in my sons.  Pictured here at the museum in London, England.

I read and promote the love of books in my sons.  We read together and they read ‘chapter books’ on their own.

I may be doing something more on to this in the months to come but basically I am just a person that includes ‘living life’ on my list of things that I do.  I live live life by loving those around me and enjoying every moment!

Q: What do you do?
Read about Day: |1|2|3|4|5|

*photographs found here either belong to Bonnie Rose of Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved | www.bonnie-rose.co.uk 

  • http://www.blogger.com/profile/07894832851934334471 Rachel

    Looks like a pretty fun and exciting life to me! You must have a blast working on all the creative sides of photography!

    • http://www.blogger.com/profile/05022023043718407104 Bonnie Rose

      If its creative, more than likely I will love doing it. Thank you for commenting. x

  • http://www.blogger.com/profile/17564500072787127882 Amanda

    Dang, lady! You do a lot of awesome stuff!

    • http://www.blogger.com/profile/05022023043718407104 Bonnie Rose

      Thank you Amanda x

  • http://www.blogger.com/profile/01462804060646159589 Rachel Murphree

    You are indeed a Jill of many trades! I am impressed by your many talents!
    XO, Rachel
    With Love, Rachel

    • http://www.blogger.com/profile/05022023043718407104 Bonnie Rose

      Thank you Rachel x

  • http://hemborgwife.wordpress.com/ hemborgwife

    I am pretty sure you could have just said I am cool 😉 Honestly though it is so encouraging to see how you have explored and expanded your talents with moving so much, it can be so hard to start in a new place and it seems you have mastered that!

    • http://www.blogger.com/profile/05022023043718407104 Bonnie Rose

      Lol…thanks girl. A lot of those photos are from back when we were in Hawaii so I’m stil trying to figure out who I am here as an expat and living abroad. One day I’ll figure that out too. We all just take one day at at time right?


  • http://www.blogger.com/profile/07460584662105381003 Breeanna Kidwell

    What an amazing post! I love that you are making the most of living in England and taking a different road to say the least! I’d love to live without a car! It would be so easy in Italy, where my husband is stationed. I am not with him because I am also in the Air Force (I start training in July, while he has been in for 3 years). I wish the USA was more apt for public transportation and/or safe for bicycles! I’ve almost been hit TOO many times, luckily enough I have all my bones in tact! Coming to your blog from the May Challenge and will surely be following!! :)


  • http://www.blogger.com/profile/17283561653744769352 Jessica Lynn

    Love this! It’s great that you’re so passionate about all you do!