Monthly Archives: August 2005

Block Party

This morning Ronan got in bed with mummy for a morning feeding, while Daddy left for work. When we woke up, I went to change Ronan’s diaper, and Daddy came back home. Yes…we slept in for a good long time! But it felt good…no early morning headache! We were busy getting ready this morning (plus a quick emergency run to the px for diapers) for the block party in our neighbourhood. First we had our hotdogs and Ronan got to see three month old triplets. They were awfully cute! Ronan got his face painted for the first time. He got a yellow star! Then it was time for us to work the front table. I had volunteered to help for the block party. We got to talk to some people about where to go to get good Thai, Chinese, and Vietnamese food. Yum Yum!
We came home and Ronan watched a few minutes of his video, before taking a much needed nap. Daddy and I watched the GodFather. I really liked it! Yes, it was my first time ever seeing it. The music rocks! Ryan said the second movie has less action, but more suspense. I can understand why it lacks in action…almost EVERYONE died in this one! I blinked and another person was dead! Not that I support murder, but I was so glad when the sister’s husband got wacked! I couldn’t believe he was the reason Sonny got murdered…and on the way to help his sister! But enough mafia talk. Ronan is being super cute tonight playing with his toys. He is so excited to see Grandpa Chuckles and Nonna in two weeks!

We put Ronan in his jeep and take him to the block party in our neighbourhood. Ronan met three month old triplets and watched mummy and daddy eat hot dogs! Posted by Picasa