As Mummy prepared for the big move ahead of us, Ronan eagerly awaited the arrival of grandparents. On Wednesday night, Grandpa Bob from Illinois came. We had an eventful night where a skunk sprayed underneath our house. Ronan slept through it (With the occasional cough) though everyone else woke up with their nose and eyes burning. On Friday Ronan’s Nonna from Tucson came to see me. Ronan hadnt seen her since November of last year, and he was very glad to see her at the bus stop. We had lunch at one of the many british pubs in town. On Saturday we went whale watching. Ronan had a lot of fun. He laughed at the porpises/dolphins that were swimming along side the boat. Mummy got a little sick and fell asleep on Daddy’s shoulder. We enjoyed a nice seafood dinner afterwards. On Sunday we went to church in Pacific Grove. We came home and mummy started cooking the curry for our last Curry Night. Friends came over and we ate. Ronan and Brody played together as Mummy enjoyed hanging out with Kirsten for the last time in a while. Ronan really enjoyed having my Nonna come visit, but soon he had to say goodbye. There were a lot of goodbyes. Goodbye to friends and family. On Monday morning we said goodbye to Ryan and left for Illinois with Grandpa Bob.
Nonna Comes to Visit
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