Monthly Archives: June 2016

I Voted Remain




While election talk has been filling up my social media news feed from my American compatriots, across the pond we have been in great debate on whether to remain or leave the EU. Today on the 23rd of June it was a big day for myself for three reasons:

  • It was my first time to vote in the UK.  I was born in England to American parents and have been a dual citizen.  Since moving back to the UK in 2011, this was my first time to exercise my vote.
  • Voting alongside people across the UK has been really meaningful for myself as a Third Culture Kid (TCK) where explaining a cultural identity is not a short answer.
  • Being able to vote ‘remain’.  When I received my UK passport in 2004, confirming my dual nationality status, there were several things about which I was excited.  One of those was being able to work or live in any country in the EU.  I have brought this up in discussion so many times that it was what I thought of first when hearing we might leave.

This morning I needed to fit in voting alongside our normal day-to-day routine of getting the kids to school and myself into work.  We left the house shortly after 0700 when the polls opened and wondered if there would be long queues.  It was not very busy yet and I was able to walk right in, vote on the ballot, and start our walking commute.  The only thing I was a little sad about was no ‘stickers’ as in the US election I voted in when back stateside.  So when I came across an American in Bath who had gotten ‘sticker-ed’ at the train station, I made sure to get a photo.

Was proud to vote Remain today.  Did you vote?


