Monthly Archives: September 2005

There and Back Again…

Ronan and I made it out of the house ten minutes late for the Parent’s Place picnic in PG. I had mapquest-ed the directions to a post office near where the park was located. Apparently the directions confused me and I went 25 minutes toward Carmel before realizing I was not where I needed to be. After backtracking and getting lost on the way I made it all the back to where I started. I went out again and this time got lost around Presidio as I tried to find the right road to take. An hour after the picnic started, we finally made it. PG is a pretty nice place and all the buildings on the main street are very cute. I wasn’t quite sure where to park, but did a very good parallel parking job with our big nissan pathfinder. (HA – to those who poke fun at “Bonnie parking”) I was very overwhelmed when we got to the park. There were mummies and a few daddies and children of all ages everywhere. There was a neat man playing a guitar and singing songs. I didn’t recognize anyone from Ronan’s class. I went over to where the food was located and spotted Joy, our “teacher” for Parent’s Place. She was able to escort me over to where the other mummies from our class were sitting. I put out our picnic blanket and gave Ronan some toys. I shared my lunch with Ronan too. He had 3 tortellini and several bites of cous cous. He had a lot of fun with a maraca that the musican had for all the children. He shook it, hit his with mine and tried to eat it. All the babies were wearing their hats because it was quite sunny out. I had a really good time talking with the mums from the class. Even though we got there late, we had a really good time.

Back at home it was time for a nap for Ronan. He cooed, sang, and made noises peacefully in his bed until he finally drifted to sleep.

I gave Ronan a maraca so he could play along with the musician. He actually held it and shook it. He liked playing it to Brown Eyed Girl the best. Posted by Picasa