Monthly Archives: October 2008

BBQ and Pool at Phillip and Claire’s house

We went swimming on the rooftop of Phillip and Claire’s appartment in Honolulu. Maddox had fun swimming with Claire.
He was far braver than I remember Ronan ever being in the water at his age. He had no problems with getting in the pool all by himself and wanted to swim on his own.
He only wanted to get out when he got too tired and too cold to stay in any further.
Maddox would have had an even better time if he had been able to swim all on his own without help.
He had a blast being dunked under the water and did well swimming with his arms and kicking his legs.
Ronan was content with just sitting on the steps, though at least he got in the pool.
Though he didnt ‘swim’ and wouldnt let me hold him, he had fun with Phillip.

Get ‘Cheese-y’ wit it.

The mice live in our fish tank with lots of fun things to keep them busy.

Both the boys love the mice. Ronan loves giving them silly faces.

All boys, the two mice by the names of ‘Remy’ and ‘Lightning’ play a game of chase.

The white and light brown mouse was named ‘Dumpling’ by Ronan because apparently he looked like a dumpling.

‘Lightning’ scales the mountain top. Ronan thinks his spot looks like a bolt, just like McQueen.

Remy (v.2) climbs the little red

Maddox was quite tired after lunch, and fell asleep in his chair.

Growing up Boys

The boys are growing up. Today they wore matching light up shirts, though Ronan wore the same shirt yesterday he wont take it off. Ronan wanted me to put his hair in a ponytail and when i pulled his hair away from his face realized he looks just like the olsen twins when they were little. Maddox slept in his new toddler bed tonight. I had to go in once and move him to the center of it, but he seems to be doing good. Ryan and I kinda sucked at being pet owners once again and a neglected little mouse died yesterday. So Ryan bought a replacement Remy who looks just like Remy and is even ‘more cool’ and active then the other. We decided to throw out the castle and the tubes because of the icky factor of a dead mouse, so we moved the new Remy into the fish tank.