I am really tired! Ryan’s office/storage room is now just an office. Sure it needs some organization and finishing touches, but contains no storage items. Even the closet looks nice and neat, with everything being easily accessible. Ronan took some good naps today, which was the reason I got so much work done. I was able to put him down for movie time and finally eat something too. He did bite me today, twice. The first time was on my arm and it really hurt! I was so upset and put him straight down for a nap. He fought it for awhile, and finally I realized he needed a diaper change. But then he went right back to sleep. What a good baby! He seems to have gained a whole lot of more personality in the last couple of days. He makes a lot of funny noises and expressions now too. He actually tried to stick his tongue out (for the first time!) at Ryan and I tonight! I laughed so hard! It seems like he will not go to sleep with out his bottle at night. If I try feeding him, he just keeps latching off and getting distracted and fussy. He ate some more swede tonight at dinner and loves his fruit puffs!