
Ronan got up this morning for his breakfast and then I put him down to sleep. I took those photos above while he was dreaming. Ryan and I love watching him sleep now. We always did before, but this new sleeping position makes him look so sweet. Every night before we go to bed we tiptoe to his room, quietly turn his door knob, slowly push open his door, and look in on our sleeping angel. Today was an “on the go” day. I started with some calls to different loan companies (sigh, sigh, and SIGH again) and laundry. Then it was time to leave for my doctor’s appointment. Ronan is coming with me to this one. I made sure he got a good nap before we left and I got his bag ready, complete with a bottle for him to have once we got there.

Ronan got the attention of every receptionist and patient in the doctor’s office. He is just that charming! He was very good while we were there and my doctor gave him a sticker to award him. Way to go Ronan! Your first sticker at a doctor’s office and it wasn’t even your appointment! We took a little drive so I could find exactly where my next appointment is located. While we were driving we spotted a HUGE cruise ship right there in the bay! It was the first time I had seen one here. You couldn’t miss it! We came home and Ronan played hard while I had some lunch and continued with the laundry. I tried to get Ronan down for a nap, but he didn’t start dozing off till a little before it was time to leave. So we left early for Vicki’s house .

Ronan spent the next hour with Vicki while I went to my ENT appt. It went well, my ears are fine, and I drove back home. Ronan was having a ball. He was sitting outside with Vicki in his bouncer seat. Vicki’s oldest daughter came home and she was so excited about babysitting Ronan. So I went back home to do laundry and some blogging! An hour later I picked up Ronan and was very tired. He still hadn’t had his nap yet, and was trying so hard to stay up for the girls. We came home and I noticed my neighbour was outside with her little girl. She is only a couple of months older than Ronan. I don’t get to see my neighbour that much because she is at the DLI learning Chinese too. So I brought out my tired baby and a blanket and we sat with them and talked. It was really nice to get to know her better and Ronan got invited to her little girl’s 1 year old birthday party!

Back at home I laid down my exhausted baby. He cried for a long time. His diaper was fine and his tummy was full. But he was just so tired and he kept on fighting it. He ended up not taking a nap and next thing I know daddy is home. So Ryan played with Ronan while I cooked us up some dindin. We tried putting the little guy down again, but I finally had to go get him. He was very awake as he had his last bottle for the night. Smiling and be very cute. I wanted to be angry with him for not going to bed, but when he smiles at you like that… Well its hard. Ronan and I fell asleep near on the couch near the end of Everwood which comes on at 2100 here. We slept until Ryan got us and had us go to bed. What a long night.

  • Mrs. Alexander

    Ronan! What a sweetheart! (getting a sticker from the Doc!)
    Here’s my BIG question! What did you eat for lunch!?

  • Bonnie Rose

    Nothing special, a turkey and swiss cheese sandwich. But I did make some Oatmeal Bonitas last night, so I am going to have some with milk. Sorry Ronan, you are too young for chocolate!

  • Mrs. Alexander

    Can you give me the recipe? I am hungry as I type so that’s why I had asked earlier!
    Any good, quick recipes?!

  • Bonnie Rose

    Sally read Silent Ranksfor one of my favourite recipies!

  • Mrs. Alexander

    Bonnie, I got the recipe! Netscape News is freaking me out! Fires in California…hope it’s not you guys! I hate the news when they do that!
    Tuscany ….tomatoes….pasta…recipe is one of my favorites…but I can’t recall it or remember it…I will try this one and many THANKS! Let me know if you all are burning up!! Praise God for our ability to talk this fast and this way! You go, girl and thanks!

  • Bonnie Rose

    No we are flame free.

  • Mrs. Alexander

    Thank God and Goodness! I was worried!
    I will try the recipe!
    I’m still looking for a tomato…basil…recipe for pasta!