Smiles, Giggles, and Great Little Eaters!

Ronan being Ronan.
Maddox throwing a baseketball back and forth with his daddy.
Soyburgers made by Ryan, they were AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS!
Max even ate a whole tomato slice from Ronan’s plate, on top of the tomato from his soyburger.
Blowing Rasberres in his mickey hat, well Ronan’s mickey hat. He loves to wear it. He puts it on when anything Disney comes on the telly.
Ronan of course joins in and blows rasberries after Max starts the silliness.
Here is the proof that Max ate his carrot and broccoli on top of his peanut butter sandwich and grapes. He loves eating his veggies and fruit.
How can you not like this face?
Yummy salad that I made for lunch with steamed veggies.