Monthly Archives: December 2011

Advent Calendars

I have put off buying advent calendars for the boys since October.  That is when I saw them appearing in the stores and every time we saw them the boys would ask to buy one.  Christmas just seemed so far off.  Then December arrived and I found myself rushing off to the store on my lunch break at work, hoping they still had some in stock.   They had a whole variety of advent calendars but I decided to go with Cadbury since I knew the chocolate tastes the best.  The boys were quite excited about having their calendars and have enjoyed getting to find their daily chocolate thus far.  I might have to buy a box of Roses for Ryan and I to share ever day. But how do you eat just one? Might be time to start making a lot of hot chocolate.  What are things you like to eat or drink to stay warm in this time of the year?

The boys with their sausages in a baguette for a walk home treat from school. 

Maddox with his Cadbury Advent calendar

Ronan with his Cadbury Advent calendar

Parent-Teacher Conference

Ryan looking over Maddox’s school work for the term.
Maddox and Ronan playing with dominos while we were in the conference. 

It has been a rainy last few days…brrr.

After work today I took the train home to meet my partner at the boys’ school.  We were having a teacher-parent conference with my youngest son’s teacher after school.  It was really great getting to go through all of the work that he has done in the term thus far, and see what goals we together can help him achieve through the next term.  The boys had fun playing next door in aftercare where they put together a few puzzles and played games.  Ryan went off to University for a lecture and the boys and I got a much appreciated drive home since it was pouring rain and already dark outside.  I will need to get used to the rain here since it is not a warm rain like in Hawaii.  Better preparation for the elements is a must.