Today is our monthly themed prompt for Travel Tuesday, as it is the last Tuesday of the month, and my cohost Van chose ‘languages’. I really did not know where to go with this one, not for not being a great prompt, but my mind was just racing in so many directions. So many stories of not having the right words in other countries, of being lost in translation, and language mishaps.
I decided to share with you the irony of the fact that I live in a country that speaks English, as a dual citizen, and yet it makes me feel like English is not my first language. I already had some British English words, phrases, and spellings engraved into my vocabualary from having lived here as a young girl. I thought I might be picking up few new things here and there and letting my own American accent soften nicely back into my English accent from before. Not quite the case.
Now that I am working full time and working with people, I am coming into contact with people from all over the UK. I am hearing all different types of accents from countries in the UK as well as around the different regions in England. I can pick up if someone is Irish, Scottish, Welsh, or English but being able to pick out just what regions…not so much. However, I know that it will come with time.
I had a man come into work to take on some matinence work and for the first few minutes that he was there I had no clue who he was or what he was doing. He had a very thick south Wales accent and spoke quite fast. You can only really say ‘pardon’ or ‘excuse me’ enough times that it just becomes embarrassing as an expat. I did eventually understand and we had a really nice conversation at the end about Wales as I really do love that part of the UK.
So for now as I let my ears get use to all the different dialects and accents from the many regions of the UK I will continue to ask people to speak slowly when I am taking their details to imput into our computer system and keep lip reading until things no longer get lost in translation.
This week I am helping out my cohost Sammy who is off this week by showcasing her favourite post from last week. It was one of my favourites as well, being a WWII history buff and having had Amsterdam on my wanderlust list for sometime. Jamie at Gunters Abroad shared her Amsterdam WWII Holocaust tour last week and took some great photographs to share you along in her travels. It is a different kind of trip than visiting beaches in the sun, but one I cannot wait to experience for myself. Traveling for the history and remembering the past are the trips that leave a lasting memory. Have you ever been to see these places in Amsterdam?

Ready to link up? As always my co-hosts Kaelene, Sammy, and Van will be selecting their favourite posts from this week to highlight on their blogs, so check out their sites today and see which post they loved most!
1. SHARE a post about travel! From road trips to trips abroad and from past travels to dream vacations. You can write about travel tips and tricks, favorite places to stay, or anything in between! Just make it about traveling somewhere!
2. GRAB the lovely button above. If you run into trouble, just make sure to mention Bonnie, Van, Sammy, and Kaelene in a link!
3. LINKUP goes live every Tuesday at 0800 GMT. Make sure to comment here, on the cohosts blogs, and visit around!
1. Please only one linked up post per blogger. Save other posts for future linkups!
2. The last Tuesday of every month will be a themed prompt if you want to join in!
3. HOP around and meet new travel loving bloggers! Check back to visit some of the newer travel posts!