Today is a Themed Day for Travel Tuesday! I also have Caity, one of our lovely #TravelTuesday co-hosts guest posting on the blog! As always we have our link up below so you can join your blog post and hop around! Remember to share the love in the comments and make so friends a long the way. Without further adieu here is Caity!
Hi readers! I’m Caity, blogging over at Where The Heart Is
and currently co-hosting Travel Tuesday with these lovely ladies.I’m currently figuring out life in London, but I blog about that enough on my own page.
I’ll be popping in over here every now and then this month featuring some of my favorite places
I was fortunate enough to visit during my study abroad semester.
That semester changed my life – can you tell? I moved to London!
There are so many great memories, so why not reminisce a bit?
A little nostalgia never hurt no one…
———————————————————————–One of the first European adventures I took was during our ‘independent study’ week,
which is actually just a second Spring Break. I know – London schooling is awesome.
We literally booked the trip a week before, which started the trend of travel spontaneity
and made study abroad that much more thrilling.
We decided on Prague for three days, then Paris for three days.
I hadn’t known anything about Prague, but had been recommended to visit more than anywhere else.
So why not?
We found a hostel that had the deal “girls staying 2 nights get an extra night for free.”
Naturally you would think this may put us off of this place a bit,
but all we saw was YOU CAN STAY HERE FOR FREE and said “sure! what’s the worst that can happen?”
Well I’ll tell you – it was having the owner ask you for drinks every night you were there.
It turned out to be one of my favorite trips.
Prague is such a beautiful place, I discovered my love for thick hot chocolate, and we experienced a great nightlife with one of the best bar crawls I’ve ever been on where I also had my first taste of absinthe.
Unfortunately, there were no green fairies.

After this trip, we had one day at home in London to do as little as we could,
and then we were off to Paris the next day!
We opted for a Eurostar hotel+train deal as it was surprisingly cheaper than a hostel and a train ticket.
It was great – walking out of our hotel was into an amazing little market with a great view of the Eiffel Tower.
We mastered the ‘walk 235235 miles in one day and see everything’
and managed to do a little round trip from our hotel to the Eiffel Tower, down Champs-Elysees to the Lourve and Notre Dame.
Paris wasn’t my favorite place for other reasons, but I was so glad to have been able to make a visit
and see the gorgeous city!

It’s strange to finally see things that you’ve seen in photographs for so long.
You kind of have to stare at them for a while and have that whole ‘this is really happening’ moment.
I still have those quite a bit, actually..
Happy traveling!
A great look at what Caity shares on her blog. See what she shared for the Themed Travel Tuesday post on her blog today: Where The Heart Is