Stanfords: World’s Largest Travel Book Shop

This weekend before last I was up in London with my family for a weekend getaway. While out exploring my husband stumbled on the world’s largest travel book shop. The store has been open since 1853 and contains three large levels of…well travel books. There are also maps, novels, journals, gifts, and even a travel section for children. I must admit I was on sensory overload. I love travel. I love books. I love to buy books. I did however leave without purchasing a single thing because it was just enough that my eyeballs were able to scan every section. If ever I need a travel book or travel accessory, I know exactly where to head. There is something to be said for long standing book stores over shopping online. Stanfords is a place not to miss in London and my sons enjoyed their in-store cafe.


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*** I am needing one more person to co-host. If you have the time to spare and love to use social media, contact me at bonnie(at)bonnie-rose(dot)co(dot)uk with COHOST in the subject line.


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  • LisaLDN

    I’d love to go there! I love traveling and everything about there, so I’m sure I could (and would) spend hours browsing through there! :)


  • Tanja / The red phone box trav

    awesome! Must visit it on my next London trip!

  • Passport Couture

    I need to visit this bookstore ASAP!

  • Stacey

    I stumbled upon that store one time in London too and fell in love! It is an amazing place and I left without buying anything too -even though I’m hard pressed to leave my favourite used book store without a new travel book, usually about London. There is just so much there that it is hard to take it all in. One day I think I’ll spend a whole afternoon there. I can’t even imagine the treasures I’ll find.

  • Macy Volpe

    Oh my goodness, this sounds charming!! I will have to take note of this place when I finally make it to London!

  • Ashley

    This looks so amazing!

    <3 Have Ashley, Will Travel