My Mum is a Travel Blogger


Sharing a photo of my mum who had been traveling around the world on a solo trip to places many people never see.  Will be getting her to do a guest post soon so she can share the highlights of her trip.


With that said we have a new nomination from Anna who is finished with her rotation as cohost and she nominates:


Rachel from A Nesting Nomad!


Congrats Rachel, send me an email and lets get in touch this week.



  • Diana Elle

    how cool that she’s been doing a rtw solo trip!

  • Tanja / The red phone box trav

    your mum’s really cool!

  • Cynthia

    Yay, congrats Rachel! And uhhhh, Bonnie your mom does sound very cool indeed. I am totally behind the idea that you shouldn’t just wait around for the right situation or right company to do something you really want to do. I’m sure it’ll be an excellent experience!

  • Jessica Ryles

    Can’t wait to read all about her solo trip!

  • LydiaCLee

    I had not realised….

  • Valerie Hansen

    How lovely you can include your mom’s travels on your blog!! She looks like a very happy traveler! I love all your buttions on the side to places you’ve kewl!
    Fashion and tRavel

  • SWAGS @ What Up, Swags?!

    Yay for another new co-host, and how cool is your mom’s trip?! Looking forward to her guest post!