I started this blog when I became a mum as a way to share photographs and our travels with family across the globe. I found my purpose in blogging through becoming an expat and moving abroad. Something I had not expected were all the opportunities that would come from having a blog. One of which is being introduced to an amazing online community, Girl Gone International and becoming the Adventure & Travel editor for their online magazine. For me it was finally finding a community to where I felt I belong with like minded individuals who love being a citizen of the world.
What is Girl Gone International?
✈ Non-Profit Organisation
✈ New generation of women living abroad
✈ We represent, connect and support
✈ Over 10,000 members
✈ Fast growing, friendly global community
✈ 100s of free events all over the world
✈ Active hubs in 24 cities
✈ 20 more hubs opening in 2013
✈ Busy online communities on different platforms
✈ Funded by our magazine GirlGI
✈ New generation of women living abroad
✈ We represent, connect and support
✈ Over 10,000 members
✈ Fast growing, friendly global community
✈ 100s of free events all over the world
✈ Active hubs in 24 cities
✈ 20 more hubs opening in 2013
✈ Busy online communities on different platforms
✈ Funded by our magazine GirlGI
✈ Digital Lifestyle & Travel Magazine
✈ www.girlgi.com – new site coming soon!
About GGI communities
Each city has it own Community Manager. The girls that come to our events are English speaking and internationally minded who want to meet like-minded friends, gain a foothold in their new city or build a strong network. Alternatively they have just come home from being abroad and want to keep in with an international circle.
Girl Gone International Communities can be found in:
Reykjavik | Edinburgh | Glasgow | London | Manchester | Amsterdam | Berlin | Hamburg | Freiburg | Dresden | Munich | Dusseldorf | Frankfurt | Vienna | Stockholm | Athens | Croatia | Rome | Paris | Madrid | Palma | Barcelona | Alicante | CapeTown | LA | New York | Ottawa | Vancouver | Brisbane | Mexico City | Panama | Rio | Seoul | Boston | Toronto
I am so happy to be able to offer you a complimentary issue of the Girl Gone International magazine! For the next several days I am holding a giveaway here at ACR. To enter this giveaway follow GGI and I on the social media sites below and tweet about this giveaway. You can tweet about this once a day through out the giveaway for an additional point.
OUR MAGAZINE | http://www.girlgi.com/
EMAIL GLOBAL MANAGER | anne@girlgoneinternational.com
GGI PAGE | www.facebook.com/GirlGoneInternational
WEBSITE | www.girlgoneinternational.com
LINKEDIN | www.linkedin.com/in/girlgoneinternational
PINTEREST | http://pinterest.com/GirlGoneIntl/
INSTAGRAM | @GirlGoneInternational #girlgi
TUMBLR GGI | http://girlgoneinternational.tumblr.com/
SPOTIFY | Girl_GoneInternational
*Image belongs to Girl Gone International | www.girlgoneinternational.com