I love Pinterest. It is perfect for creatives like me when planning upcoming photo shoots. With the holidays approaching Pinterest is wonderful for planning out ideas for holidays like Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas. There are just so many ways Pinterest can aid people in their life with their specific needs. As of yesterday Pinterest has added a new aspect to pinning that is just perfect for those who travel and people with wanderlust. I introduce you to a new type of pin called Place Pins that enable you to map out the locations of all the items you share on your pinterest boards.
What does this mean? | So let us say for example you are traveling and you take a photo of the museum you visited. As an expat or travel blogger say you post about that trip and you pin images from your blog to your pinterest board. You can now add the museum’s location to a map on your board connecting to the photos from your blog post! Pretty interesting, yes?
Planning a Future Trip? | Even if you are not traveling and you are just fueling you wanderlust addiction you can now create better pin board for your trip planning. Search for the locations you want to visit and then you can find pins and add pins to highlight the specific ‘must-see’ spots!
SEE ALSO: Pin it Forward UK with 16 Tips
What You Can Do
- Add a map to a new board or to a pre-existing board on Pinterest
- Add the pin’s location through a Google-type search bar.
- Share your pinboards easily with friends on Pinterest
- Get Help! If you run into trouble search the help section.
How to Make a Map & Add Place Pins | I have made a map this morning and I would like to show you all how easy it is to do!
First log into your Pinterest account, go to your boards, and select the board of your choosing. If this is your first time to create a map you will be greeted with a lovely notification showing you how you can add a map to your board. Whether or not you get this notification all you have to do is select ‘Edit Board’ and you are on your way to completing your task!
Once your Edit Board form is open you can now look for where it says ‘Add a Map?’. It will say ‘No’ and all you have to do is click it so that is says ‘yes’.
As seen in the image above it now says ‘Yes’ and is highlighted in red. You can also choose to edit the board further at this time if you need to make any updates or corrections. Remember if you decide to delete your board, your actions cannot be undone.
Your map is now created! You will see this notification to let you know you can go on to the next step.
Pinterest may also let you know that you can now add a place to your map. Why? This is so you can search for pins from specific locations.
You will see that your pins in the board are now moved over the left of the screen and the map is to the right. But wait! You do not have any Place Pins created or added to your board! Go to the top of the screen where you see the grey pushpin with a + symbol next to the text ‘Add a Place’. Click this.
Now you can add a place. You do this by simply searching in the What’s this place called? text field and locations will start popping up. Choose the one that best fits the location you want. You can even change the city later if you need too.
Since I am an expat located in Bath, England I have decided to add this as my first pin location. As soon as I add this in I find a long list of places, so I select the one I want from the list. Really simple! It will now show up on your map as seen to the right of this image.
You will also start seeing all the photos of pins from that location on the left of your screen. You can start adding to it immediately from this page! I decided to add a photo to Bath from my photos taken at the Royal Crescent with my heart shaped umbrella. Scroll down to the image below to see how it has bee added:
My new pin with my photo is now added to the location. However remember that this is added to your board. So for example I added this one to my ‘Autumn Holidays’ board which would not be the right place for this pin. Case in point be selective to which boards you add maps too and what pins are going on the map. The rest is simply all about having fun pinning! But do not take just my word for it. Here what another Expat & Travel blogger has been saying about it on Twitter today:
While you are at it, why not follow me on Pinterest too!
Q: What do you think of Pinterest’s new Pin Maps? Will you be adding this to your boards? If so which ones?