Every Tuesday I host Travel Tuesday where you can link up with your posts
about travel, wanderlust, and expat life around the globe.
This month I invited three new co-hosts!
Kaelene, Sammy, and Van have chosen their favourite posts from last week
and you can visit their blogs today to see who they selected.
Plus! Next week we will announce what the Travel Tuesday theme will be
for the last Tuesday of the month, so stay tuned!
There is so much going on and a lot of new beginnings happening
in my own personal life at present. I will be sharing all about it very soon.
Until then have a blast finding new travel posts as I do every week!
I’m under the weather today so I’m spending my day off of work by curling up on the couch
with my laptop and reading what will now inevitably be the process of expanding my ever
growing list of wanderlust! Enjoy!
Ready to link up?
1. SHARE a post about travel! From road trips to trips abroad and from past travels to dream vacations. You can write about travel tips and tricks, favorite places to stay, or anything in between! Just make it about traveling somewhere!
2. GRAB the lovely button above. If you run into trouble, just make sure to mention Bonnie, Van, Sammy, and Kaelene in a link!
3. LINKUP goes live every Tuesday at 0800 GMT. Make sure to comment here, on the cohosts blogs, and visit around!
1. Please only one linked up post per blogger. Save other posts for future linkups!
2. The last Tuesday of every month will be a themed prompt if you want to join in!
3. HOP around and meet new travel loving bloggers! Check back to visit some of the newer travel posts!