Today’s prompt is City vs Country – do you prefer a city break when you travel, or to get out amongst nature? Or combine the two Share your stories of your best city trips, outdoor adventures, or what you love most about either type of trip. The link up this week will be extended for two weeks instead of one, so you have plenty of time to join the link up and check out everyone’s posts!

For me I really think it depends. I could not completely right off city because I love traveling to cities all around the world. However I do greatly love and appreciate the beauty that is country even in the ‘backyard’ of where we live presently in Bath, England. When people here find out I have an American accent, they always ask where I am from in the US. Since Hawaii is the longest place I have lived anywhere in the US, I tend to go with my island answer. To be responded with ‘What? Why would you move from Hawaii to England???’ While I love Hawaii and cannot wait to go back, there are equally many reasons why I love life here. One is getting to witness and experience the seasons. Autumn is upon us and what better way to see it than out in the country. I work in the city of Bath which can get quite busy with tourists and the day to day. It is why I crave being outside in the country. Especially this time of year. The leaves are amazing, the mornings are getting colder, and the countryside is juat as picturesque. I just love putting on my music and taking long walks and remembering every moment how blessed I feel to be here. Enjoy your moments and let me know in the comments what you love most about where you live at the moment. Is it the city or the country? Or both?