Category Archives: Blate

London Bloggers Tea, Nov 2013

I mentioned that the London Bloggers Tea was a success and today I share with you the photographs to prove it! I have met other bloggers before with the Bristol Fashion Week and have been on a couple of ‘blates’, but this was my first time meeting a group of bloggers of which I had already been following along online.  To say I was a little excited would be quite an understatement as I had been talking and tweeting about it online in the days that led up to our London Blogger Tea.  Before I even say another word I have to say a big thank you to Selena for putting this all together and organizing this event.  Without her hard work none of this would have been possible.  
I took the National Express coach from Bath Spa that morning getting me to London Victoria station that afternoon.  The underground was quite crowded that day with various events going on in London, but I ended up making it to Covenant Garden with ten minutes to spare. It was in the Mercer Hotel lobby where I ran into Melanie (my lovely sponsor this month) and had my first ‘omg I know you’ moment. The rest all happened rather quickly when I entered the room and heard Selena say, ‘Bonnie’s here!’
It was such an unreal moment for the first twenty minutes as I looked around the table and was able to put faces to names and blogs that I follow. Someone said it best when they stated how surreal it was to know so much about someone from their blog and finally meet them for the first time in person. To finally beat the distance, meet your ‘friends’, and give them a hug was quite a blessing for me.  It only made me feel a bit bittersweet that I do not live in London like most of the ladies so this could happen more often.
The whole event went by quite quickly. A third of the bloggers I have had the opportunity to get to know in the blogging world and through social media and had a blast getting to connect face to face.  Another third were bloggers I had only just heard about through the organization of the blogging meet up and enjoyed getting to know them and their journey with blogging.  Sadly with the time allowances and all the in depth conversations going on there was another third I did not get to talk to very much at all. It left me wanting another blogger event to look forward to so we could all talk even more. 
I did not think I was that nervous but I must have been because the first bite I had to eat all day was one of the scones when I got to the blogger tea.  I ate a little bit but my appetite was still missing when I finally made it home that night.  It was just a lot happening at once and so much excitement.  Then some of us went out for drinks at a pub afterwards and the conversations continued.  If you have read My Night in An Italian Jail, you know I had my phone stolen. I still have not gotten that replaced and so I was a bit anxious about getting home safely to Bath that night. I really want to also thank Selena and Sarah for helping make sure I got back to the coach station safely. 
It was an awesome meet up with talks about it happening quarterly.  I also look forward to any future trips to London to reconnect and invite anyone down to Bath to come visit when you have the time.  I think my next Blate will be with Kate next month, and I cannot wait! Again thank you to everyone who came, you all made my day. I understand the importance of friendships in your current city with ‘locals’ but as a TCK, I really appreciate all my expat friends. Thank you also to all of you who read my blog and those who talk with me over social media. Though we have not met, I appreciate each and every one of you. 

The London Tea Attendees
Gina from Sweet Serenity
Mandy from Emm in London
Bonnie from A Compass Rose
Jacintha from Urban Pixxels
Anna from Eat, See, Do 
Shobha from NYLon Living
Annie at Sew Graceful
Melanie from Melanie Fontaine
Samantha from To the Days Like This
A Big Thank You Goes Out To:
* Photography belongs to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 – 2013 All Rights Reserved | 

My Expat Life: Comforts

Today’s Blogtember prompt is ‘React to this term: Comfort’.  I decided to make this a post in part of My Ex-Pat Life series. Some of the things we talk about as expats are the harder and not so pretty things people do not think about when glamorizing the expat lifestyle.  So we share our homesickness stories, the challenges of fitting into another culture, and moving woes.  In the mist of it all we look for comforts to help us through unexpected appearances of culture shock and the ‘rainy days’ of life.  For me personally, I have found it very beneficial to find comforts in both my ‘host’ and ‘home’ cultures.    There is something to be said about finding balance to gain focus and happiness in your life.  To be able to pick yourself up and find the best of both worlds.  I love finding comforts to enjoy when I am already in a really great state of mind.  They become the cherry on top of my expat life. 
Yesterday was definitely a cherry on top moment. I had the pleasure of getting to meet up with Sarah from The Wanderblogger. At the beginning of the month I was mentioned by Chelsea when Sarah announced she would be coming to Bath with her husband for a few days. I was so excited for the chance to meet up with a fellow expat. We were going to do more of a tour around Bath, but got caught with rainy weather on Thursday.  Luckily it sounds like Sarah and Cory had a very fun filled time in Bath and I look forward to seeing her recap it on her blog. We met up outside Sally Lunn’s for our blate at around lunch time.  Sally Lunn (Solange Luyon) was a Huguenot refugee who came to Bath from France in 1680. She started making these buns which are now infamous here in Bath with both the locals and the tourists alike. You can get them in savory and sweet variations.  I have seen the line of people outside waiting to get in but this was my first time at Sally Lunn’s.  We ordered our buns and cakes and talked up a storm.  If it was not for her husband Cory, we may have talked without eating until it was time for me to be home for when my sons get home from school.  Unfortunately some how our order got ‘lost’ and Cory had noticed that people who had sat down after us had already eaten and left while we were still drinking our water. We eventually had to order a second time and did get our food in time before needing to leave.  The food did come, was really good and hit the spot. 
Despite that small hiccup in service at Sally Lunn’s, we had a great time.  Sarah is one of those amazing people you would be blessed to get to know.  I felt that way when I found out about her blog. I just love finding new expat blogs that bring me back every week as a loyal reader.  It was that way when I started reading The Wanderblogger.  When you connect to another blogger online, to me it is like making a friend in real life. I just feel blessed to have gotten to meet Sarah and her husband yesterday.  Yes we are all Americans, but talking together to me I felt as comfortable as if we had known each other for years.  It was an awesome comfort that as an expat I cherish. I love living in England and getting meet new people here but it is also nice to just be able to connect to someone who is living the similiar expat lifestyle.  As a global nomad myself I love trying things for the first time. So in the mist of a new friendship, getting to try the sweet comforts of a local delicacy was perfect for the occasion.  It became the nice blend of comfort from ‘home’ and ‘host’ culture in one. I loved getting to meet Sarah in person because she is very sweet, authentic, and has the biggest heart. I just wish we had more time so I could have heard even more about their time in tour in Amsterdam. It was a lovely blate and it makes me want to nudge Selena for a group blate in London soon. 😉 

Linking up with Jenni’s Blogtember challenge
*Photography belongs to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 – 2013 All Rights Reserved | 

Tigerlilly Quinn & Bath Fashion Museum ‘Blate’

Day 26, Sunday: Something you read online. Leave and link and discuss, if you’d like. 

Last week I had the pleasure of going to the Bath Fashion Museum with bloggers Fritha and Lia.  The ‘Blate’ (Blogger + Date) is featured today on Tigerlilly Quinn filled with amazing photography by Fritha.  Please check it out to read more about the blate and leave a comment to say hi! 
I have included a few of Fritha‘s photographs for the post today:
Photograph belongs to Fritha of Tigerlilly Quinn
Photograph belongs to Fritha of Tigerlilly Quinn 
Photograph belongs to Fritha of Tigerlilly Quinn 

Q: Have you been on a ‘Blate’ before?  Which bloggers did you meet up with and what did you guys do?


*photographs found here belong to Fritha of Tigerlilly Quinn  © 2013 All Rights Reserved |