Category Archives: volcano

Pompeii, the Darker Side [Travel Tuesdays]

I spent a total of six years growing up with Mount Vesuvius, a dormant stratovolcano, in the distance of where we lived near the bay of Napoli.  The infamous rolling humps loomed in the background like a familiar shadow, sometimes hidden by a haze. This sleeping giant has an eruption cycle of about twenty years, though it has been sleeping ever since it’s last appearance during WWII in 1944.  Mount Vesuvio,  as it is known in Italian, is still considered one of the most dangerous in the world as millions of people today live so close to the crater.  
While some people may take school trips to the local fire station or zoo, growing up I took field trips to climb the top of this volcano or visit the haunting remains  of the ancient towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum.  When you factor in the times we frequented these sites with visiting family and friends you could imagine the many times I would have been to the historical sights in my past.  However it was on my husband’s first trip to my hometown of Napoli, that it became my favourite to date.  I played tour guide, photographer, and even model during the hours we visited Pompeii around this time last year.  
Usually when I see traveler’s photographs of Pompeii it is of the remaining structures outside in the daylight and bright sun.  While I have those more picturesque holiday photos too, I would like to show you a different side of Pompeii.  The kind  that makes you think of the destruction caused by Mount Vesuvius.  I invite you to view the darker side of Pompeii with me as you travel back through time.
This will be a part one of a two part series, 
to be followed by the Lighter Side of Pompeii in the near future. 


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*Photography belongs to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 – 2013 All Rights Reserved |
*or information regarding the use of photography by Bonnie Rose please get in contact.