Monthly Archives: April 2013

Wedding: 17 Weeks to go

Yesterday my husband and I had been married for nine years and eight months.  We now have four months left until our 10 year wedding anniversary.  That is 17 weeks and two days.  This past October I had my husband and I take couple photos (In the rain no less. Thank you England) with our camera on a timer.  That does not seem so long ago, which makes me realize just how little time we have left to plan.  I had been holding off starting with the invitations because I wanted to make my own hand written with calligraphy   However we really had a small window of time to let friends know so they can RSVP and I was not going to have all my supplies in time.  I let go of that notion and finally came up with a Eco-Friendly wedding website.  There are a lot of options out there for builders and I could have built it myself.  In the end I decided to go with so I could move on to the next stages of planning. 
Stationary: Opted for an Eco-friendly Wedding website in lieu of paper invitations.
Pinterest.  I have been pinning things to a ‘Vow Renewal’ board probably since I created my account.  Once we crossed the one year left mark I started getting a little more serious with my planning and pinning of ideas.  I had wanted to do a huge 3-0 birthday last year and when that fell through a lot of my ideas started bleeding over into the Vow Renewal board.  Next I took my OCD and and broke one Vow Renewal board into twelve different ‘I Do Again’ boards for the following categories: Inspiration, Accessories, Attendants, Cakes, Ceremony, Flowers, Hair, Gowns, Invites & Stationary, Menu, Photography, and Reception.  You can check out Bonnie Rose’s Pinterest to view specific pins and other boards.  I wish I had pinterest back in 2002 – 2003 when we were planning our wedding.  I still have my huge white binder with many specific dividers and filled with anything needed for my wedding planning. It became a scrapbook of sorts and it is kinda fun to look through now, ten years later.

Planning: I wish I had Pinterest back in 2003 when I planned our wedding! I have 12 ‘I Do Again’ boards for ideas.
Every Wednesday I will touch on  more of our planning and updates for our 10th Anniversary Vow renewal.  Is anyone else planning a wedding for 2013?  If you are already married would you renew your vows?

*Website photography was a self portrait by Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved |

**Website capture from the website for the free website builder
***I do not claim to own any photos displayed from the Pinterest boards. 

Travel: Dinner with mia familia in Napoli

I am very passionate about Italian food.
To the point that if you take me to an Italian restaurant outside of Italy,
I will tell you it is not ‘real’ Italian food.
My in-laws insist that that the family owned Italian restaurant
in their small midwest town is authentic because the owner is ‘I-Talian’.
However both the pizza and pasta sauces are so sweet,
you could have fooled me with a jar of processed Prego sauce.
Both do not sit well with my palette or my years from growing up in southern Italy.
I am convinced that any Italians cooking in America cook for the American palette.
Any American-Italians that cook food are cooking ‘American-Italian food’
which is not Italian food.
Which is great. Just do not confuse the two as one.
I am also a purist and I believe that you need certain ingredients like the
salty Mediterranean air to make anything truly authentic.
However I did find one place in Malibu, California that served the closest to the real thing.
I liked the food so much that I made sure to give my compliments personally to the chef.
He was Italian and I give him props for sticking with the pure tastes of Italy.

My husband has had to hear my views on Italian food since before we began dating.
We were in a traveling theatre group at our University and while on a trip
I held my foot down to our group for stopping at Olive Garden for dinner.
I will admit it: I am an ‘Italian food’ snob.
Ten years later my husband finally gets his first (and second and third…) taste
of this amazing food I have not stopped bringing up in conversation.
‘You were right’ he said.
Now he shares my burden.
The burden of all people who have lived or traveled to Italy
and have eaten their hearts out on the beautiful, mouth watering, delicious food.
When you live else where in the world and crave a pizza.
Not just any pizza but pizza from Italy.
Or for us we crave real Neapolitan pizza.
Any kind.
As my husband told my sons yesterday,
 ‘I’ve never had a pizza I did not like in Naples’.
It is comforting knowing I’m married to man who gets me
and who is equally passionate about Italian food.

The one story I used to tell him about often was eating at the houses of
Ada and Maria, two of the women at our Italian church on the coast of Bagnoli.
How the pasta was the best you would ever eat.
How you would be given seconds and thirds.
Followed by courses of salad, cheese, meat, and dessert.
You would eat past the point of being full, unable to tell your host ‘no more’.
It would be amazing.
This past summer my husband got to finally experience that  with my church family.
I will admit I was busy eating and savouring each bite to document the food fully.
But below is a little glimpse into some of the best food and memories
that a girl who grew up in Italy could ask for and then some.

The busy city of Napoli, Italia became my home twice in my life for a total of six years. 
The meal being prepared by Maria and Ada.
You will never leave hungry. Quite the opposite.   
Must continue to brush up on my Italian vocabulary to keep up in the passionate fast talking conversations.  
Delicious foods that were the ensemble to the main pasta course. 

*photographs belong to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All rights reserved. |
**Please contact if you want to use any photographs or for more information regarding photographic services. 


It’s Tuesday again which means it’s time for the Friend Connect Blog Hop!
It’s the time to meet new friends and find new blogs. You can choose to follow the cohosts in whatever way is best for YOU! Here are some of my favorite ways: GFC, BlogLovin’, HelloCotton, RSS, Twitter, Facebook.
Ok, so let’s get to the party, shall we?
RULES are simple:
1. Follow your host 
The First link below
2. Follow your co-hosts 
The Next 8 links below
3. Link up below using your main blog url not a specific post.
4. Make sure to visit some of the blogs in the link up and follow them 
and if you want to leave them a comment, I’m sure they’d appreciate that as well.
5. Tweet about this blog hop
6. Share about this blog hop by grabbing a button and putting it on your sidebar!
I have cohost spots available! Email me if you’re interested at

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Baaaaa-ank Holiday Monday

Today was a bank holiday here in England and so Ryan had the day off of work.  
Since the boys were already off of school for Easter break, 
we were able to get two days of country walking in this weekend.  
Yesterday we walked for four hours and today for nearly five 
as we went on a seven mile walk through the English countryside.  
We saw deer both days.  Today we also saw the following animals: 
cows, horses, pigs, llamas, chickens, goats, birds, chickens, and fields of sheep.  
I love sheep. Especially the way the dot the rolling hills behind our house. 
But they are even cuter when  you have to walk through 
a field of them and have them ‘bah’ ing in chorus around you.  
I hope you like photographs of sheep 
because I took quite a lot to share with you on the blog. 
Pink Wellies by Hunter, black leggings & scarf from my closet, and I raided my husband’s closet for the jumper. 
The deer that we saw today running through the meadow. 
Trying to get my boys to not shout, as to scare the wildlife,  was proving challenging today.
Then we came across the sheep.  
There were so many little lambs running about the field. 
Here was one feeding from their mummy. 
My babies obliged me with having their photo taken with the sheep.
There was a whole field full of sheep. 
The lamb were definitely my favourite.  So cute.
Maddox said he was very glad to see the sheep because it was his first time being so close to them. 
We eventually found our path through the field and what could be cuter than watching your family among the sheep. 
My husband with our our sons and the sheep in the background. 

*photographs belong to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All rights reserved. |
**Please contact if you want to use any photographs or for more information regarding photographic services.