Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives
I have not yet made a Archival of popular or favourite posts so completing today’s prompt took me a little longer than I had expected. I put some of the most popular posts in categories below. Since I have only really joined the community of bloggers as of 2013 there are many posts since 2005 (back when the blog was called Mummy Paparazzi) that do not show up in popular searches. My very first post Waiting in the Wings was written fifteen days before I gave birth to my first son. I love to look back through old posts and find things from which I had forgotten. For example Get Cheese-y Wit it is about the pet mice we had in Hawaii. The older posts are photo heavy as it was more about sharing recent snaps of our life with my parents. Then with the loss of my dad and dealing with a shaky marriage, blogging again fell to the sidelines. I have never kept up the blog when things in my personal life were not as great as the photos I was sharing. It took moving to Europe in 2011 to start our Expat life that my blog started coming back to life every week with a new post. Bon Fire Night was my first post on November 5th, 2011 since my blog was resuscitated back to life. I love that post because I got to share a favourite childhood memory in the present with my husband and sons in our new life in England. Christmas in London and Leaves in London may be my favourite posts from 2011. In 2012, I started sharing a lot more of my fashion photography and guest posts on Manifold Magazine (A Night out in London). However I think my favourite posts are New Years with our self portrait holiday photos, Doctor Who Experience, Snow Day, PopArt SuperHero Party, Saturday Picnic, and Halloween. All the posts below come from the most popular and favourite posts of 2013. As this is the first organized look of posts through out the time of A Compass Rose (and Mummy Paparazzi), I hope you will have fun checking out the links and exploring the blog. It has evolved since its creation eight years ago and I look forward to seeing what the future has in store.
A Personal Look:
Travel Posts:
TCK & Expat Posts:
*photographs found here belong to Bonnie Rose of Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved |
I am a TCK & an Expat
My Expat Life
Moving Abroad
A Few Favourite (Expat) Bloggers
Saying Goodbye to Friends Pt. I
Saying Goodbye to Friends Pt. II
Ugly Tourists Make Me Uncomfortable
Q: Do you have a favourite post from my blog that I have not mentioned? I will be making a better archival page for ‘new readers’ soon and would love any feedback or advice! x