- The transition period is frustrating. I heard that it would be and I will not lie and say that it is a breeze. The trick is to keep your hair back and just stick with it. I ended up going with a french braid and keeping my hair in a plait, instead of wearing it down. It also benefited that I work mostly from home. If I was working in the salon still, I am not sure how it would have gone down with my coworkers to be honest. Just remember that it is a transition and will not last forever.
- One size does not fit all. In this case what may work for one person may not work for you. This could also apply to your journey with no poo and you may find you have to switch it up a bit. The tricky part of breaking up with your shampoo and conditioner is to find the right mixture and ingredients for you. I initially started with using the paste method of baking soda because it was what I tried before. However it was making my scalp very itchy, no matter how well I tried rinsing my my scalp. I switched it to the baking soda wash method and went from Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to White Vinegar (WV).
- I needed a new brush. As a hairstylist I have a gazillion brushes but oddly enough did not own an all natural Boar Bristle Brush (BBB). Since my goal is to grow my hair out long I have been trying to not touch my hair if possible. That means if I needed to brush my hair I used a wide tooth comb and if I needed to use a comb I tried to just use my fingers. However I realised from trouble shooting online that I needed to use my BBB. Ever heard of how women used to brush their hair a hundred times every day? I use to discredit that and say how horrible that was for your hair as a stylist. Upon research I now actually think it is a good thing. One you need the right kind of a brush. The natural bristles of a BBB will help distribute the natural oils from your scalp down the hair shaft to make it soft and shiny.
- I lose a lot of hair every day. This is something I know for a fact. I knew this back when I gave birth to my first son eight years ago. Along with the knowledge that after you give birth you shed even more hair. I kid you not, I was still bawling my eyes out in the shower as I saw how much hair I was ‘losing’. So with not brushing my hair very much I started to freak myself out with seeing all the hair in the brush when I did use it. However all those hairs that were going to come out anyways have just added up. I am not going bald, nor is my hair thinning. I am just overreacting to the number of hairs we can lose every day. If you are wondering that could be up to 130 hairs a day! Wash your hair once a week and do not be sad if you see around 700 hairs coming out in your hands.
- I need to change things up. At my 3 month mark I noticed my hair was almost reverting back to what it was like during my transition stage. Except I felt that it was almost worse because I was already three months in. My hair was not just oily near the scalp, but really sticky. It also seemed like my BS wash and vinegar rinse were not helping. After doing some research I tried an egg and honey wash. I used two egg yolks, 1 tbsp of honey, 1 tbsp of vinegar, and 1/2 tbsp of baking soda. It made a frothy mixture which I rubbed on my scalp for three minutes. I left it on for another five and then rinsed really well. I sprayed my ends with my diluted white vinegar mixture. I could tell my hair felt better immediately but after my hair dried it was confirmed. So just know that sometimes you may need to change up your routine.
- There are many different ways to be ‘no poo’. You do not have to rely on just baking soda and vinegar. There are so many other ways to go about it and you just have to find what works for you. I also tried using a mixture of honey and aloe vera fresh from the plant to help when my scalp was itchy from the baking soda paste. There are so many tea rinses out there that I have been meaning to try out sometime too.
- I spend less time on my hair. When I was using shampoo (which strips your hair of natural oils, which makes your body then overproduce) I would have to wash my hair every few days. If I used product or straightened may hair I would have to wash every day. Now that I can go seven and ten days it has really cut down on how much time I am spending washing my hair. But it gets better than that! My hair now dries so much faster on its own. I do not need to be outside in the sun either. Just being in my house my hair dries on its own in just a few hours. I have not really timed it, but I know normally my hair would still be quite wet and not fully dry as it is now. Which means I do not spend tons of time blow drying hair, flat ironing, or using my curling iron.
- It can work! Since going about it this time I realised it can work and that has been the best lesson of all. I can go seven to ten days between washing my hair. Between that time I will use water only (WO). Which means yes I still bathe regularly. However I will wear a shower cap to keep my hair out of the way. Especially if I am going 10 days between my ‘no poo’ wash I will use water only every four or five days. The trick for me is using hot water and scrubbing my scalp.
What You Will Need:
You will need either a circular stretch headband or you can use a scarf. I found the headband creates tighter curls, wear the scarf will give you looser curls. If you are going straight to bed you can wet down your hair slightly with water. Do not do this with very wet hair or your hair will not dry fully. Also your hair can stretch longer when it is wet compared to when it is dry which can cause breakage.
1. Comb out your hair with your fingers or a comb and determine your parting. Now that my hair is long I am keen to use a center part. Put your headband or scarf around your head like a halo and position accordingly.
2. Start with one side and take a section of hair in your hands. You will hold it up rap it around the headband and down. Take the same size section and add it to what you are currently holding and repeat. You will be working your way all the way to the back of your head. The trick is to take the same amount of hair each time. Do not feel you have to match the amount of hair that you have accumulated, otherwise your curls will get bigger and looser the farther back you go.
3. Once you have finished one side continue wrapping your end around the headband until the end is secured.
4. Repeat on the opposite side.
5. You should now have a Princess Jasmine looking hair do. Enjoy your beauty rest or your day if you happen to do this as a day up style.
6. When you are ready slowly take your hair down. If you used the scarf technique the easiest way is to untie it from the back and then slip the scarf out from your hair.
7. Using your fingers comb through the curls gently. You can re curl sections with the direction they are curled to help refresh the look.
8. Use hairspray if you prefer or just use a little coconut oil to tame any fly-a-ways and add shine.
Egg Yolks & Honey