If you could return to a place you have traveled before, where would you go? This is just about as easy as a question for me to answer as is “Where would you go that you have never been before?” For me I am personally fueled to return to places so that my family can experience it with me too. Most of the travels I have done have been before or without my husband and kids. In fact my children have yet to step forth on mainland Europe and I am so eager to take them to all the places I visited and lived growing up as an Air Force child. Some of the places on my list are:
1. Germany/Austria/Switzerland: I have lumped all these countries together because it is apart of Europe that I really love so much. I hold fond memories of summers and winters spent across that region with my dad as a young girl and teenager. I want to go camping and hiking in the mountains, to go snowboarding, eat germknodel, and experience a German Christmas. Really I could list a whole blog of reasons for each country but to suffice to say that I cannot wait to return there with my familia.
2. Italy. I have since moving back to Europe have returned here with my husband. However my kids have yet to taste ‘real’ pizza and visit a gelataria. I cannot wait to take them home to Napoli so they can meet my Italian familia.
3. Norway/Sweden/Denmark. We traveled here as a young girl with my family and I really want to return and also to add Finland to the mix.
Those are my top three places and I kinda cheated a bit by lumping several places all together. But when you have let places touch your heart like I have it is hard to leave anything out. Speaking of which I cannot wait to return to Cambodia & Thailand, Japan (and see more than just the airport), Australia (and then see New Zealand) and will have to return home to Hawaii nei one day too. Travel anyone?
Q: Where would you return to and why? Or better yet link up with a blog post about travel for the link up!