This weekend my husband and I decided to take the family into town where we live in Bath, England. The weather looked like it might become fowl, but with only a few minutes of rainfall we enjoyed both some sun and some cloudy chill skies. There are stil many shops that we have not been into so we ventured into some new places on Saturday.
For those of you who do not know, my husband loves to shop. When I met him in University he was happy to buy shirts for a quarter at the local thrift store bin of work shirts. However somewhere between being married to me and then having to wear a uniform with the USAF he found a love for good quality clothes. When you are married to your best friend AND he loves to shop for himself it is a win-win in my book. Now I just have to get him to start buying me clothes 😉 I also finally got an eye exam this week and new glasses. My most current frames broke in January and I have been wearing a very old perspiration sine then. I cannot explain to a person with 20/20 vision how amazing it is to finally be able to see. I can also now stop wearing my prescription sunglasses inside the house which means I will also have to stop singing ‘I wear my sunglasses at night…’ Today has been relatively chill with us staying at home, planning a birthday party for my youngest, and watching the Arsenal game this afternoon. We did miss out on our country walk this week, having opted to go into town instead. This was due to practical matters as well as my eldest is currently without the right shoes for mud. His boots have a gap in the heel and on our last walk he is foot got covered and soaked in muddy water. However his replacement wellies are due next week so we can venture out in the countryside on the weekend. Here is a little overview of what I have shared on Instagram this week and weekend: |
Photography by Bonnie Rose via her Instagram. Follow @the_bonnierose
Q: How was your weekend?
*photography belongs to Bonnie Rose of Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved |
Weekend Edition: 27/28 of April ’13
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