I have really missed the theatre. I have had at least two clients who are active in either the professional or amateur levels of theatre companies here and so its been on my mind a lot recently. I just saw and am applying for a job with a theatre company in London as a Hair & Makeup assistant. It is double the hours I am working now and about 5 times my current earnings. I know I may not be a contender since I will be out of the country for two months this summer, but I can a least apply. Either way I think I want to really look at applying for Theatre jobs with my major at Uni and my past work in the last few years has not been to far off from the same sort of work. Would really like to be in a more skill/trade field than a customer service field. Keep me in your prayers. Would love to see what doors open from this.
Update: The application for said job below as it turns out is due in ten hours. I just submitted my application. Perhaps this will not be the door God opens for me, but looking forward to new opportunities.
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‘Pink': flowers on the walk home. #Nofilter #pink #photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge http://instagr.am/p/ |
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‘Culture': Third culture kids: the experience of life among worlds.
#tck #tcks #thirdculturekids #culture #photoadaychallenge #maycreative