Yesterday we tried out natural remedies on Maddox. His eye is not red, pink, or itchy. But the last couple of days he has complained that they hurt. Due to the timing of when he has mentioned it, I assumed it was his way of getting out of eating his dinner. Except that he came home from school yesterday with pink eye looking discharge. Still later last night his eye had not yet turned pink or red, nor was it swollen. So we put some coconut oil on the eye lid itself and a dillution of tea tree oil in hemp oil in a large circle around his eye brown and cheak bone. Maddox asked me, “Do I look like the Target dog?”

Today Maddox’s eye looked as healthy as ever. I would like to think that the amount of coconut oil Maddox gets in the food we cook at home has helped in the prevention and that the applications on his eye helped to clear the infection entirely. A friend mentioned that the mixture of coconut oil with breast milk works even better. But being that I am not lactating we went with what we had. I’ve been telling my clients all about this miracle oil. I already use it on my hair and to moisturize my skin as well as in our cooking and in our hot drinks. I was given a recipe for a sunblock, so I look forward to doing that one as well. If you have a great use for coconut oil I would love to hear it!
Technology: Sometimes the DS can be a great distraction when needed. However it’s the first thing I sacrifice when handing out punishments. #photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge