Category Archives: self portrait

Pompeii, the Darker Side [Travel Tuesdays]

I spent a total of six years growing up with Mount Vesuvius, a dormant stratovolcano, in the distance of where we lived near the bay of Napoli.  The infamous rolling humps loomed in the background like a familiar shadow, sometimes hidden by a haze. This sleeping giant has an eruption cycle of about twenty years, though it has been sleeping ever since it’s last appearance during WWII in 1944.  Mount Vesuvio,  as it is known in Italian, is still considered one of the most dangerous in the world as millions of people today live so close to the crater.  
While some people may take school trips to the local fire station or zoo, growing up I took field trips to climb the top of this volcano or visit the haunting remains  of the ancient towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum.  When you factor in the times we frequented these sites with visiting family and friends you could imagine the many times I would have been to the historical sights in my past.  However it was on my husband’s first trip to my hometown of Napoli, that it became my favourite to date.  I played tour guide, photographer, and even model during the hours we visited Pompeii around this time last year.  
Usually when I see traveler’s photographs of Pompeii it is of the remaining structures outside in the daylight and bright sun.  While I have those more picturesque holiday photos too, I would like to show you a different side of Pompeii.  The kind  that makes you think of the destruction caused by Mount Vesuvius.  I invite you to view the darker side of Pompeii with me as you travel back through time.
This will be a part one of a two part series, 
to be followed by the Lighter Side of Pompeii in the near future. 


link up! 

*Photography belongs to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 – 2013 All Rights Reserved |
*or information regarding the use of photography by Bonnie Rose please get in contact.

Self Portrait: ‘Scarred I’

This is a series within the self portraits that I have been wanting to do for some time.  I begin with one and the hopes to add to Scarred series through out the Self Portrait Saturday challenge.  Life can be hard and we can come out with scars. They can be emotional, physical, internal, and mental.  Some can be painful and others as lingering reminders.  I have many.  The one on my neck is related to many other scars that I have carried since being a few weeks old.  I was born six weeks premature and went on to battle necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a gastrointestinal disease.  I am so glad that I survived with nothing more than scars as a reminder.   The way it has been explained to me is that this is where they put in and stitched to hold in place a tube that fed nutrients into my heart. I use to joke as a teenager I had been bitten multiple times by a vampire.   It is usually the first scar that people notice and ask me about and why I decided to document it first.  Sometimes I feel burdened by the weight of unhealthy self image.  Scars that I had no power over can be fussed over and scrutinized by my inner monologue.  However this is a reminder of how fragile our bodies are and how blessed and precious are our lives.  That in the end we are all beautiful with our scars and all. 
Self Portrait ‘Scarred I’ by Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 – 2013 All Rights Reserved –


I try to do one every week and post on a Saturday. 

 If you would like to link up with me, add this button to your blog. 
I would love to see your photography!

Self Portrait: ‘Grounded’

When you have always moved ever few months or couple of years, you live a life where people are always coming and going.  If you are lucky the better ones come back through your life again.  In this nomadic world you are constantly the ‘new girl’, introducing yourself all over again, and answering the dreaded question from where you come.  From growing up as a third culture kid as a military child overseas it prepared me for the role of a military wife living the island life in the Pacific.  Through out it all I have felt like a gypsy being blown by the wind.  Being called to far off places and locations I have never been.  While yearning for all the places, all the countries, and all the cultures I have taken as my own.  It became the fire that fueled our path to move overseas as expats.  Somehow on this new path I have reached the realisation that I finally have an anchor.  A person who can be my strength when I feel weak.  My comfort when I feel lost in the unknown.  My support when I lack the confidence.    My guard to block out the negative and censor the unwanted cruel words of others.  When I can get lost in my head of self doubt and he brings me back and keeps me grounded.  When he is with me I do not need to worry about what has been or what could be for we live in the present.  Which means so much when you are a girl with many dreams in both the day and the night.  Yet he keeps me close. Grounded in reality.
Self Portrait ‘Grounded’ by Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 – 2013 All Rights Reserved –


I try to do one every week and post on a Saturday. 

 If you would like to link up with me, add this button to your blog. 
I would love to see your photography!
A Compass Rose

Self Portrait: ‘From the Ashes’

For those of you that will remember last year I did a Self Portrait Challenge to take one self portrait every week. It was a lot of fun and was something I was able to do while traveling through Europe as well. Being inspired by a few self portraits I was commissioned to do recently, I have decided to restart this again invite you all to be involved! I have created a link up which will start every Saturday and end every Friday night. You can link up to old or new self portraits as long as they are a self portrait you took of yourself. So set your self timers and get your tripods ready and I look forward to seeing your creative spirit come alive on the weekends. The self portrait ‘From the Ashes’ was one of the test shots on one of the self portrait concepts I was working on last week. I really liked this one and decided I would save it for this challenge. While I usually would have gone with the black eye shadow, I used actual charred wood from our back garden. A bit of inspiration taking from my sons who showed up in the house with faces covered in black one day. I took this one right next to our dining room window to take use of the natural light. I think the reason I like it so much is it reminds me of the Afgan girl photographed for the cover of National Geographic. Maybe it is because we both have hazel eyes. If you have not heard about Sharbat Gula‘s story, I recommend that you check it out.

Self Portrait ‘From the Ashes’ by Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved –


I try to do one every week and post on a Saturday. 

 If you would like to link up with me, add this button to your blog. 
I would love to see your photography!
A Compass Rose

Self Portrait: ‘Unanswered’

Self Portrait by Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved |

I took today’s self portrait before breakfast while my thoughts were focused around the basic human need of interaction with others.  We were not put on this earth to be alone.  While I love my personal time away from the world if I had no one to share it with my life would be void and without purpose.  
I owe my fondest childhood memories, the stories that span across Europe, to my parents.  The good and bad days of the past have formed me into who I am today.  I have been told I got married as I was just a few months shy of turning twenty one.  When I met my husband at Uni I had that moment of clarity that we would spend the rest of our lives together.  Why wait years down the road to experience an inevitable life together.  I always wanted a family to experience a world of travel together like I had with my parents.  So we began our family and eventually found our way to return to Europe. 
Sometimes it can be hard to keep the lines of communication open.  Life can get busy and the world can push itself forward ahead in the priorities.  However sometimes it can be as simple as remembering to make sure that ‘you’ are plugged in.  

*photography belongs to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Self Portrait: ‘Into the Woods’

My portrait for ‘Self Portrait Saturday’ found its backdrop in my sons’ room 
after I checked on their progress of making their bed.  
The house we rent is filled with unfinished wooden doors and 
came with similar style wooded wardrobes and armoires. 
They do not all necessarily match however. 
Which gives as an eclectic look to work with 
when it comes to instilling our own interior design.  
(side note: Yes, I wear my sunnies in the house sometimes. 
The prescription is better in these than my current frames 
so if its light enough I tend to wear them.  
Besides they are one of my favourite fashion accessories 
as well as being practical.) 

‘Into the Woods’ Self portrait by Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved |

Sunglasses: Ray Ban Coat: Lux

 *photos belong to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved |
* For information regarding the use of photography by Bonnie Rose and photographic services contact bonnie[at]bonnie-rose[dot]co[dot]uk

Self Portrait: ‘Awaits’

My husband said I have a lot of photographs of me looking out the window.  
Perhaps he is right.   I look out my windows frequently through out the day if I am inside.  
Partly for the view and partly because it is a great place to think 
as I envision hopes and dreams for the future.  
I recently moved our smaller white IKEA bookshelves 
from the boys’ room downstairs into the look window nook.  
It has become a new favourite place of mine 
of where I can sit to write, brainstorm, and just meditate.  
Do you have a favourite spot to which  you go?
Self Portrait by Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved |

*Photograph belongs to Bonnie Rose Photography
**Cannot be used without written consent, please contact for more information regarding photographic services.