Monthly Archives: April 2012

Swede Day!

It may not be national swede day…if one exists…but we sure love that veggie in this household! Yum!

I love Swede. ‘A Vegetable’.
#photoadayapril #photoadaychallange
Ribs with homemade sauce and mash from swedes and sweet potatoes.
April showers bring May flowers. But I hope the Tulips survive through the rain and cold.
My two favourite reasons for living life.
Myself as a pop art comic girl.
Work for a cause not for applause. Live to express not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt.

Maddox Says

 Cute comment for today brought to you by Maddox:
 “I don’t want to disobey you or mummy but she said boots and you said shoes. 
I could wear one boot and one shoe.” 
My son’s photo of the fish tank.
‘Last thing I bought': First Mass Effect game for just £5 in a bargain bin.
#photoadayapril #masseffect #xbox
Chicken & veggies for lunch

Photo A Day Challenges!

Eventually I am going to set down enough time to do a proper blog post once a week on a consistant schedule.  With my love of the instagram app I have found some photo a day challenges to make sure I am taking at least one photo a day.  So even though April is nearly finished I have started with the image below. Check back to see the others that follow:

Something I drew today. 

Morning sun in the Brighton salon.
— with Peewees .co.ukand Bonnie Rose.

It is hot & sunny in Brighton and yet so cold & rainy where I live and work in the Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill area. #EnglandWeather

Doing makeup and ‘Before & After’ photographs for three clients in Brighton at Peewees salon.

Throwback Thursday

With the new instagram app on my phone I have picked up a few themed days in which I can participate. One is ‘throwbackthursday’ and for today I decided to use a photo of me from 1987 playing Pigpong. Anyone remember this game? What fun one! I would love to have a copy to play together with my boys.

A 5 year old me playing Pig Pong on Christmas in ’87