Today is the fifth day of May with the Blog Every Day in May challenge. Feel free to join in and if you catch this anytime through out the month feel free to just jump right in.
Day 5, Sunday: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don’t have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member.
Let me start this off by saying that I feel blessed to the number of bloggers out there that I consider friends. Though I have been blogging off and on since 2005, it has only been now in 2013 that I have started blogging every day and interacting with the blogger community. To be honest I did not know much about it before. No offense to my mum (I love you) only family members seemed to read my blog and rarely comment. Now that this whole world of bloggers has been opened to me, I daily read other blogs and interact via twitter and instagram. My only regret is not knowing about this community back when I moved to England in 2011. Especially when it comes to the other Expat bloggers. I could have easily chosen a few different bloggers in the ‘Expat’ category for this post. I held back because of my TCK personality. I tend to grab on to friendships fast (bipassing whatever social norm of stages it takes to become a ‘best friend’). To be fair as brave as I am I was a bit afraid to say ‘hey I love this girl!’ even though I may have only been blogging alongside you in this expat life for the last 4 months, 2 months, or even week. Sometimes it can be a little disheartening to keep reading and commenting on blogs where the author never comes over here to read my own. But I keep up with the truth that friendships are more about giving, than receiving. Thats why I blog to share myself and to give to others.
I hope even in despite of times when I get busy or overwhelmed in real life that I can still give and be there for you. If you feel that I am missing out on something or not keeping up feel free to embarrass me on twitter. I joke, but honestly I just love making friends and I do not want anyone to feel alienated or alone. This may be my blog, but I have started blogging in 2013 to build friendships with people all over the world.
Behind the Scenes in front of Diamond Head on a photo shoot. She was modeling and I was the hair & make up artist. |
Without further adieu I would like to introduce you to a blogger friend of mine who started out as a real life best friend first. She actually started blogging because I asked her too. To be fair I surprised her with a designed blog so all she would have to do is start writing and sharing photos. I can be a bit persistent 😉 She is even more beautiful inside than she is on the outside with a big heart. She loves her family so much and her blog is focused around her Ohana. We met while both being stationed in Hawaii with branches of the military. She is currently on the mainland but will be returning soon to her home on Oahu. I met her in 2007 and since that time we have both been through a lot. There have been friends that fell off along the way or whom I realized were not friends for the right reasons. However she and I came through it better friends than when we first met. I am honoured to call her my best friend. She is my ISFL (Italian Sister For Life) as I grew up in Italy and she has Italian blood. She blogs over at HI-Life & Love and her name is Tammy.
Modeling & Photo Shoots
Around the time that I was working on more photo shoots as hair & makeup artist I started getting into photography as well. I really wanted to keep spending more time with my friend, Tammy, and so I encouraged her to get into the modeling scene in Hawaii. It was great because we had a common interest we could share together away from the military world. So while I tried to look for some awesome candid of us at Starbucks or on the beach, most of my photographs are from photo shoots. To be fair these were some of my favourite memories together. Despite how stressful life can be, photo shoots were fun because it was a get away into a different world. Besides what girl doesn’t like getting to dress up in new clothes, have her hair and make up done, and feel pretty in front of a camera?
Two of my favourite photo shoots with Tammy were ones where I was behind the camera. The first was shot for my project ‘Secret Lies of Men & Women’ where we addressed the issue of domestic abuse. The ‘Polynesian Dancer’ shoot was one of my last shoots before I left the island.

Why I love reading her blog :
This is my list of why I think you will love reading her blog. Especially if you want to escape to the life of living on an island or being by the beach you will love her.
Hi-Life&Love is a Hawaiian Lifestyle Blog.
She is love and is not afraid to proclaim it. Life is empty without love and withit the world is beautiful. |
She is loving mom of two, who also shares the joys of raising a son with Aspergers. (side note: her son created this piece of artwork and I love it. Its really beautiful to see how he sees the world) |
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She posts about her wardrobe and how she keeps her hair so healthy, shiny, and long. |
I always remember her having such beautiful nails. As someone whose nails always chip after a day, I enjoy her posts to see what creative colours and designs she chooses. |
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She is motivated to fitness and shares how she has gotten her rock hard abs over and over again. |
Her heart is also in the kitchen and she posts about the yummy creations that she makes in there. I made a pie last year from her crust recipe and it was the best tasting pie I ever made. (thank you Tammy!) |
She is also an amazing friend. Here with my Island Ohana. |
Thank you for taking the time to read through about one of my blogger besties.
Thank you also for all of you who visit my blog, who leave comments,
who talk with me on twitter, and like my photos on instagram.
I look forward to seeing these beautiful blogger friendships grow this year.
#BlogEveryDayInMayRead about Day: |1|2|3|4|
*photographs found here either belong to Bonnie Rose of Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved | or belong to Tammy of Hi-Life&Love blog. Please get in contact if interested in any photographs shown on A Compass Rose.