Category Archives: Twitter

Saturday Picnic

The sun was out today and we had a busy Saturday planned.  Though not a school day, we were up at our usual waking hour to get the boys to the school for the open house day.  The children were broken into groups and did a series of games and activities while the parents enjoyed tea, cake, and conversation.  The boys and I left shortly before it was over to meet my husband at the train station and we headed down to Brighton.  Apparently all of London was on our train, because all the cars were very packed and crowded.  We met up with our friend, Annette, whom we rented a room from last summer, and her neighbour and kids.  It was a beautiful afternoon for a picnic and we had a nice spot in the shade. Ryan had made fresh bread from the oven for our sandwiches and I think that was definitely a highlight.  Before we left all the kids got together to play cricket and they even let me catching on the fun. It was a great Saturday and I wish the sun was here to stay for the summer.

Cricket with Ruby, Ronan, Molly, and Maddox.
My turn at playing Cricket with the kids in the park.
#cricket #Brighton
12 o’clock: Picnic at the park on a warm sunny English day with the family.
#photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge
Me ‘as a child': Dressing up as Goldilocks and posing with one of my bears.
#maycreative #photoadaychallenge

“Don’t take my silence for confusion…I was just trying to kill you with my mind.” – Sam (Burn Notice) @GroovyBruce

Playing Cricket in the park with Ronan, Ruby, and Molly. Technically I’m watching and Ronan and Ruby are really competitive. So much fun. xx

“Sometimes you make friends and then never see them again.”- Ronan (age 7) “The story of my life, son.” – Bonnie Rose (TCK)

Picnic with the family and friends in Brighton at the park.

Really enjoying the sunny 20°C + weather these past few days. This is my type of climate.

Unusual & Hot

Shout out to my little sister on her 24th birthday today!

‘Hot': The weather has gotten quite hot for English standards.
Had to do away with my black tights/leggings and go bare leg.
#maycreative #photoadaychallenge

Found two Olympic coins!
 #limited #50pence #Olympics #london2012
‘Unusual': the view outside the backdoor of work…
giant baby climbing across the fence.
#maycreative #photoadaychallenge

Buon compleanno mia sorella, Zoe!

Random fact: Today is my half birthday.

Family Fun Fair

Having fun at the Family Fun Fair

After picking the boys up from work we came home to do home work and rest before going out into town.  A family fun fair came for a few days and the boys have been excited about going to the fair since the posters went up.  We started with letting them go into plastic bubbles and walking on water.  We also rode the bumper cars, they rode a car ride, and the boys went down the slides numbers of time.  We had supper at the fair, which consisted of an unhealthy choice of chips and candy floss for dessert.  We had a really fun mummy and boys night out.

Maddox and Ronan in the bubbles going after each other.
Ronan rolling in his bubble.
All smiles!
Walking on water inside plastic bubbles. 
Eating Candy Floss
Sun shining through the trees.  
After going for a ride on the bumper cars. 
‘Something new': a notebook for just 2 quid. #photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge

‘Dinner': Beef burger made with beets, hence the vibrant purple colour. #maycreative #photoadaychallenge

Coconut Oil for Pink Eye

Yesterday we tried out natural remedies on Maddox. His eye is not red, pink, or itchy. But the last couple of days he has complained that they hurt. Due to the timing of when he has mentioned it, I assumed it was his way of getting out of eating his dinner. Except that he came home from school yesterday with pink eye looking discharge. Still later last night his eye had not yet turned pink or red, nor was it swollen. So we put some coconut oil on the eye lid itself and a dillution of tea tree oil in hemp oil in a large circle around his eye brown and cheak bone. Maddox asked me, “Do I look like the Target dog?”

Today Maddox’s eye looked as healthy as ever.  I would like to think that the amount of coconut oil Maddox gets in the food we cook at home has helped in the prevention and that the applications on his eye helped to clear the infection entirely.  A friend mentioned that the mixture of coconut oil with breast milk works even better. But being that I am not lactating we went with what we had.  I’ve been telling my clients all about this miracle oil.  I already use it on my hair and to moisturize my skin as well as in our cooking and in our hot drinks.  I was given a recipe for a sunblock, so I look forward to doing that one as well. If you have a great use for coconut oil I would love to hear it! 
‘Music': I quite fancy a pink ukulele. #maycreative #photoadaychallenge
Technology: Sometimes the DS can be a great distraction when needed.
However it’s the first thing I sacrifice when handing out punishments.
#photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge

Pink & Third Culture Kids

I have really missed the theatre. I have had at least two clients who are active in either the professional or amateur levels of theatre companies here and so its been on my mind a lot recently. I just saw and am applying for a job with a theatre company in London as a Hair & Makeup assistant. It is double the hours I am working now and about 5 times my current earnings. I know I may not be a contender since I will be out of the country for two months this summer, but I can a least apply. Either way I think I want to really look at applying for Theatre jobs with my major at Uni and my past work in the last few years has not been to far off from the same sort of work. Would really like to be in a more skill/trade field than a customer service field. Keep me in your prayers. Would love to see what doors open from this.

Update: The application for said job below as it turns out is due in ten hours. I just submitted my application. Perhaps this will not be the door God opens for me, but looking forward to new opportunities.

‘Pink': flowers on the walk home.
 #Nofilter #pink #photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge
‘Culture': Third culture kids: the experience of life among worlds.
 #tck #tcks #thirdculturekids #culture #photoadaychallenge #maycreative

Watching Thunderbirds with my son on his sick day from school.

Tooth and & Light

No more tooth!
Showing his tooth 

Ronan’s long awaited top front tooth finally came out tonight.  He looks forward to the Tooth Fairy. 

Waiting for Ronan’s front tooth to fall out. 
After his tooth was coerced out by @ryana_official. My 7 year old is excited out the tooth fairy’s arrival.
 #tooth #toothfairy

‘Playing with light.’ Used a mirror as a reflector with the natural lighting from the window.
 #light #lighting
‘Light’ part II. Another one with the aid of reflecting light from the window with a mirror.
#maycreative #photoadaychallenge
‘Somewhere you stand': I still like to try my balance skills like a little kid.
#photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge

Love & Waffles

‘Something I cannot live without': Love. Be it from family, friends, God. Love is precious.
Without it we are but in darkness and alone.
 #photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge #love
‘Squares': a yummy Stroopwafel from Holland. #maycreative #photoadaychallenge

I need a really good book (or series) in which I can get lost. I prefer classics or anything far away from the Twilight realm. Suggestions?