Day 24, Friday: Your top 3 worst traits
This sort of a question in an interview setting always makes my head draw a blank. I could list list off the many less than flattering things I think about myself but is that what you really want to hear? I have decided to look at my three worst traits as a blogger, and hope that you’ll forgive me and still want to be my blogger friend. 😀
My 3 Worst Traits as a Blogger
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1) I am a procrastinator. I equate it to being a student in school that has 30 days to work on a paper. Said student puts the research off until the last few days, does not start writing it until the day before, and then runs on to campus to get it in before the deadline. Yes that is me in the blogger world. It was actually probably worse when I was only blogging once a week. Now that I blog daily it has helped me in that regard so much. I started making an organized schedule of what I will post every day of the week and trying to schedule the week’s posts on Sundays. However if presented with a deadline I still find myself putting it off until the last possible moment. Or worse yet (and hoping it never happens again) emailing my blogger friend to see if it is too late to turn something in. Fortunately for me when this happened yesterday Mish was super helpful and kind. Which has further reminded me to make sure I schedule everything so that I do not eventually get pulled into a Google Hangout with my blogger friends for an Intervention.
2) I am a Twitter novice. I am not sure when I actually joined twitter because I used to tweet on an older private account. I mainly tweeted with the few friends who had twitter and followed my favourite celebs. Tweeting back in 2009 did not mean what it means to me now in 2013. Back then it was more of a conversation, like instant messaging, between friends when we were not together, similar to facebook. Today however I see a purpose in it as a blogger and as a business owner with Bonnie Rose Photography. Also most of my facebook friends do not use twitter and following mostly celebs can lose its enticement after a while. Since I blog about being an expat, tck, and traveler I love reading tweets around the world from similar bloggers. With that said I still do not think I know what I am doing when it comes to Twitter. Especially when it comes to promoting my posts. I feel like I either do not promote them at all or too much or not well enough. All these questions run in my head about it. Do I misuse the hashtags? Could I be doing hashtags better? More importantly do my hashtags on Instagram drive you crazy? I think I overanalyze everything about my social media marketing.
3) I still use my phone camera sometimes. I admit it and I am here to say that I am not happy about it. Not to say I do not love sharing my instagram photos because I do. But I have owned professional cameras and work as a portrait photographer. I should never be relying on my iPhone 4 for photographs. When the lighting is amazing I am not too ashamed of the photographs, but in less than perfect lighting the grain comes in and I cringe. So maybe I’m a photo snob. But I also know I love my posts way more when I have photos from my Nikon DSLR and I figure my readers do too. I know with my prescheduled posts this is not so much of an issue, but with my ‘on the fly’ posts I tend to rely on my phone. Admitting I have a problem is the first step right?
So with negative I have to follow with positives.
I plan to be better at working against procrastination, to learn more about how to use twitter better, and to share more high quality photographs on my blog.