Category Archives: Food

Family Fun Fair

Having fun at the Family Fun Fair

After picking the boys up from work we came home to do home work and rest before going out into town.  A family fun fair came for a few days and the boys have been excited about going to the fair since the posters went up.  We started with letting them go into plastic bubbles and walking on water.  We also rode the bumper cars, they rode a car ride, and the boys went down the slides numbers of time.  We had supper at the fair, which consisted of an unhealthy choice of chips and candy floss for dessert.  We had a really fun mummy and boys night out.

Maddox and Ronan in the bubbles going after each other.
Ronan rolling in his bubble.
All smiles!
Walking on water inside plastic bubbles. 
Eating Candy Floss
Sun shining through the trees.  
After going for a ride on the bumper cars. 
‘Something new': a notebook for just 2 quid. #photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge

‘Dinner': Beef burger made with beets, hence the vibrant purple colour. #maycreative #photoadaychallenge

Love & Waffles

‘Something I cannot live without': Love. Be it from family, friends, God. Love is precious.
Without it we are but in darkness and alone.
 #photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge #love
‘Squares': a yummy Stroopwafel from Holland. #maycreative #photoadaychallenge

I need a really good book (or series) in which I can get lost. I prefer classics or anything far away from the Twilight realm. Suggestions?

Friends and Fun in Brighton

‘Best friend’ @evanofthemount
#masseffect #maycreative #photoadaychallenge

Sign in the loft at the Vodka Revolution club. 
At the NSC Summer Ball in Brighton

‘Snack': a shot glass of seeds, nuts, and dried berries. #photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge

Feels like Cinderella. Must get back before midnight or my boys turn into gremlins…wait wrong film reference.

The white wine smells like ferrets.
  • Listening to IR students debate while I eat dessert and drink wine. Feel more at home with all these Europeans than I have with the Brits.
Ran in the rain in my heels to catch train to Brighton. Shout out to ‘my friends’ at the car wash for your sentiments on my appearance. 😉

Popart Superhero Birthday Party

Maddox as Batman for his 5th Birthday party at the bowling alley.  He chose the theme of Justice League and I tied in a little Pop Art to give it an added PUNCH! (No pun intended)
Older brother, Ronan, went as Green Lantern.
Batman & Green Lantern before the party commences. 
Batman, Superman, and Green Lantern. 
11 boys (plus two younger ones not pictured) all together.  England is not so big on dressing up for things. We had2 boys that were Justice League themed, one marvel superhero, one Indiana Jones (um, might have gotten confused from Ronan’s party invite back in January?),  one police officer, and four in plain street clothes.  I think in hindsight I should have just had Maddox dress up and made capes for all the other kids for better themed photo.  Or try it again in the USA. 
This was our party host who orchestrated the whole bowling party.  She was amazing.  Keeping 11 boys under the age of 9 in line while dealing with heavy bowling balls is not an easy feat. 
Maddox and boys lining up to start bowling. 
Maddox bowling at his birthday party. 
The birthday banner I made from Flash comics with Maddox’s name on it. We used it to decorate the party table. 
The party bags that I made with the Pop Art comic book theme. I bought a bag of confetti and glued each dot on, one at a time. 
The table center piece  with the pop art dots and an M (for Maddox) and a 5 (for his age) which I collaged in Flash and DC comics. 
Each boy got a photo frame/thank you card that I collaged individually in comics. 
Another look at the photo frame/thank you cards. 
Since the cake pops fell through, I decorated lollipops with masks and capes.  Using a two tier cake stand, I decorated it with the cup cake toppers I made. 
Another look at the center piece. 
Wonder Woman and Batman gift tags. 
I believe all the photo frame/thank you cards were Flash themed.  
Maddox telling his dad, Superman, how much fun he is having at his party. 
Holy Cupcakes Batman it is time for food! (Sadly with the cake pops not turning out, we ended up leaving the back up cake at home. So no singing at this party.  Thats okay because they don’t eat birthday cake at the kid parties in England. 
As the kids were getting ready to leave, we quickly rounded up a few of them for a very quick photo with the felt masks I sewed and put in each of the goodie bags.

Photography by Bonnie Rose © Bonnie Rose Photography 2012 All Rights Reserved. 

The Night Before

‘Kitchen': Ours is my husband’s man cave because he loves cooking.
#photoadaymay #photoadaychallenge
‘Hog & Mollusks’ for dinner.

Painting at 1am.

‎9pm I did a 3 hour online photography course, followed by making cake pops. Now at 1245am I’m starting an acrylic painting. Sleep? Nah.

Work & Pray

Something you do everyday': Pray. I’ve also started reading my Bible daily.
 I got the cover hand painted when I was living in Thailand.
#photoadaymay #photoadaychallange #Bible #pray
#maycreative #photoadaychallange 
Taco salad with organic grass fed beef and homemade guacamole.

‎”Without new ideas, success can become stale.” – Anthony Bourdain @MoLestationsNoReservations

Vidal Sassoon, a man of great vision and passion leaves us with a legacy.


Maddox’s birthday is coming up and so it is time to start getting his party planning into order.  If you remember I made Ronan’s Indiana Jones invitations back in January.  For Maddox’s party this year he wanted a Super Hero party…more specifically a DC Justice League party.  I decided to tie his theme together with a Comic Book Pop Art look.  Here are the double sided invitations that I made tonight. The dots I think took the most time. Maddox says he really likes them and I look forward to making the decorations.

Handmade invitations for Maddox’s Superhero party

‘Circle’. #photoadaychallange
 #photoadayapril #love #quote #Corinthians #frame
Pulled Pork with Kale-slaw and celery sticks. Kale-slaw made with homemade mayonnaise
made with avocado oil, s&p, garlic, mustard powder, and egg.
Vibrant purple blooms outside our flat.
Boys got a £1 coin for helping mummy tidy this afternoon. Off to Sainsburys to get a special treat.

Jasmine Star Quote: “At the end of the day you can take mistakes and turn them around. Dont pay to play.” @creativeLIVE

‎”Sometimes we give up our dreams for safety & comfort. But I was ready to risk safety & comfort for my dreams.” – @jasminestar