Ryan Turns 30!
Today my partner turned the big 3-0! I had to work today but Ryan stopped by at the end of my shift at the salon. I surprised him by decorating one of the stations with ’30’ Balloons, a birthday card and a yummy raspberry cupcake. Afterwards I gave him a hair cut for his birthday. He has been growing his hair out since he got out of the military in April and minus a few trims, its just been staying in a long style. We chose a longer on top, shorter on the sides and back style so he can wear it curly and straight. Afterwards I picked up the boys from school and headed back to celebrate with Ryan. The boys got Ronan a special pint class for his lager of choice and I got him the journal based on the Idiot Abroad series he likes so much. Tonight in honour of his birthday we had our first Indian take away since moving to England. Indian take away is to England what mexican restaurants are to San Diego, California. Our supper was yummy and very spicy…just the way I love it. Afterwards we enjoyed a lovely chocolate pudding cake, which melted in our mouths after coming out of the oven. The boys helped me before bedtime to get the fairy cakes ready for tomorrow. They are having a special day in honour of the Children in Need foundation to raise money for the charity. I decorated them with yellow bear heads that I hope slightly if at all resemble Pudsey, the bear mascot.